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Siemens Teamcenter 11

Siemens Teamcenter 11.2 now supports managing deployments efficiently

Siemens Teamcenter 11.2 now enables us to manage and share admin data across the PLM environments efficiently -> Export, Import, Synchronize, Compare and Analyze Admin Data

Today there is constant pressure to reduce time in managing and sharing Teamcenter administration data (such as AM rule tree, Organization, Preferences, Projects, Revision Rules, Saved Queries, Style Sheets, workflow and so on) across the multiple PLM environments such as production, test, development and integration to achieve the goal of.
1. Developing solution for new business requirements and also enhancing the solution for existing business requirements with reduced time and with better quality
2. Performing upgrade which required building replica for upgrade test and several test on configuration changes due to new versions with reduced time and with better quality
3. Maintaining multiple environments for various activities such as ongoing development, testing, integration is the necessity

To achieve above goal customer is constantly looking for a tool which will help to

1. Copy admin data from one environment to another environment efficiently (without using several utilities)
2. Compare admin data between two environments

3. Perform analysis of admin data for environment

4. Keep record of what has been changed over the period in admin data(Snapshot of the configurations)

To address above requirements Siemens Teamcenter 11.2 has introduced a unique and most value added capability called as “Manage Admin Data” which helps you to achieve all above requirements with the help TEM as well as using utilities along with detailed reports on admin data for analysis, comparison, and so on.

TEM Export / Import You can perform export with multiple options such as

1. Exporting all admin data categories

2. Exporting selected categories
3. Exporting partial set of elements from a category

Similarly, you can perform import with multiple options such as
1. The import tool will automatically merge the imported data into the target environment
2. You can select the merge option for each category such as
a. Override with Source
b. Keep Target
c. Choose Latest
d. Choose source for unresolvable conflicts
e. Choose target for unresolvable conflicts

3. A report get generated after the import that shows how the target environment is impacted by the import

It also generates several reports such as

1. Admin data report with all categories, specific categories or for set of elements from a category

2. This helps you study admin data offline and also its easier way than RAC client

3. Data import report on performing admin data import to help to understand impact on targeted environment/s

4. Compare report help you to troubleshoot configuration differences between two environments to determine why the business logic is behaving differently

You can also use Command Line Utilities to Export/Import Admin Data and also to generate admin data report:

Export Admin Data:

Export all categories
• admin_data_export –adminDataTypes= All …
Export selected categories
• admin_data_export –adminDataTypes=Preferences, RevisionRules …
Export a partial set of elements from a category
• admin_data_export –partial –inputCriteria=EPMTaskTemplate {template_name=MyTemplate}
How to get a list of category names
• admin_data_export –listTypes

Import Admin Data:

• admin_data_import –adminDataTypes=All …
• admin_data_import –adminDataTypes=Preferences, RevisionRules …
• admin_data_import –listTypes
• admin_data_import –dryrun

Generate Admin Data Report:

• generate_admin_data_report –adminDataTypes=All …
• generate_admin_data_report–adminDataTypes=Preferences, RevisionRules
Overall, Teamcenter has now given us way to manage and share admin data across the multiple environments during various business situation such as solution development, testing, upgrade, building replica of site and so on where we need to export, import, synchronize and analyze admin data.